Smart Contract
DBDC is the shortest, simplest and most secure smart contract. It is a BEP-20 token on the Binance Smart Chain based on Open Zeppelin libraries.
Not mintable, it has a fixed supply of 8,076,860,775 tokens.
Not pausable, means the functionality cannot be paused.
Burnable, means token holders can burn their tokens. (deflationary)
Ownable, no hidden roles or access by third parties.
No token locks, no vesting periods. Tokens are available immediately.
No proxy, meaning the token contract cannot be changed or manipulated.
Zero taxes, it has 0% buy tax, 0% sell tax, so it cannot be rugged.
No complicated code, it uses open Zeppelin libraries that are audited.
Verified Smart Contract so everyone can view it.
DBDC Token Contract :
DBDC Airdrop Contract:
feeWallet = where the airdrop fees goes. amount = airdrop amount per claim token = token contract id extraFee = initial fee amount. epochSize= cycle size. increaseFeePerEpoch= how much fee is added per cycle , in our case 0.001 BNB currentEpoch = Current cycle currentEpochTxs = Current trascaction id in cycle
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